5 Business Jobs That Require a Degree

Business is one of the most popular degrees in America. With so many options and avenues to take, getting a degree in business is a great way to launch a successful career. Whether you plan to start your own business or are looking to become an associate at a...

What Happens During a Crisis on Campus?

When you are on campus, you should always feel safe, no matter what is occurring around you. Whether there is an emergency or a natural disaster occurring, your school should have a crisis response protocol in place to ensure that all students and faculty members are...
5 Things to Do Before Your First Class

5 Things to Do Before Your First Class

Whether it’s your first college class ever, you are returning after many years, or you are entering into a graduate program, the first day of class can be overwhelming. Even if you choose to complete your studies online, you may still get those same butterflies when...