Plastic pollution in ocean | Marine Resources Management From Everglades University

The planet’s oceans play a major role in everyday life — perhaps more than most people realize. Unfortunately, various factors like overfishing and pollution are damaging the oceans and affecting our supply of natural resources. That’s where marine resource managers come in.

Through effective marine resource management, coastal issues can be prevented and  healthier natural resource economics are possible. Discover why you should consider a degree in Marine Resources Management, for you and for the planet.

What Is Marine Resources Management?

Marine resources management refers to more than simply taking care of fish, water, and coral reefs. It involves learning about the challenges and applying solutions in marine, coastal, and wetland environments. It also involves the business aspects of managing natural resources from such regions.

With a bachelor’s degree in Marine Resources Management, you’ll have the qualifications to enter this exciting field on the ground floor. Your new knowledge of environmental science and business skills can launch you into a high-paying, highly satisfying career path.

Why Is Marine Resources Management Important?

For many countries and communities, marine resources are essential to economic stability. The more polluted the oceans get, the worse the world becomes. Specifically, here’s why marine resource management is critical:

  • Preventing overfishing: Beyond the quantity of fish, overfishing affects how fish reproduce and mature. Overfishing and its long-lasting effects can be prevented with proper resource management.
  • Preserving marine ecosystems: Marine resource managers have the skills, tools, knowledge, and additional requirements to preserve ecosystems. Preservation keeps habitats healthy and clean today to ensure that they’re still around tomorrow. 
  • Avoiding extinction: Extinction is the ultimate, irreversible result of mismanaging and overusing marine resources. It is avoidable, though. Aquatic life can be preserved through effective marine resource management.
  • Protecting against environmental threats: Marine resource management combats climate change, pollution, and other environmental hazards that threaten our marine, coastal, and wetland areas. It protects these valuable ecosystems and prepares them for survival in the future.

Get a Degree in Marine Resources Management From Everglades University

Marine resource management isn’t just a nice idea — it’s vital to keeping our environment and global economy in tip-top condition. Overfishing, global warming, and many other factors impact our oceans daily. However, you can make a difference by earning an undergraduate degree in Marine Resources Management.

The Bachelor of Science in Marine Resources Management consists of 123 credits across courses such as:

  • Coastal and Marine Environmental Policy
  • Communication and Environmental Justice
  • Environmental Technology and Management
  • Global Climate Change

Everglades University provides education that leads to change. The university teaches social sciences that give you the foundational know-how to build an excellent career. Take your next step by enrolling in our Marine Resources Management program today.